TIL scientists studied a parrot for 30 years and found he had the intelligence of a five-year-old human. He had a vocabulary of 150 words and could ask for a banana. If he was offered a nut instead, he would stare in silence, ask for the banana again, or take the nut and throw it at the researcher. (allenschool.edu)
submitted by moonsprite to /r/todayilearned
Pssst Mods are asleep...post cringe shirts! (rlv.zcache.com)
submitted by silverman780 to /r/ems
Keytar bear spotted in Davis this morning! (imgur.com)
submitted by AudaciousAsh to /r/boston
Boston police confirm deployment of cell phone trackersMy employer's site (necir.org)
submitted by troyshaheen to /r/boston
I made a Screaming Sun wallpaper [1920x1080] (i.imgur.com)
submitted by gdogpwns to /r/rickandmorty
Dogs always know how to make you feel better. (i.imgur.com)
submitted by hip_hop_opotimus to /r/funny