Micah  I'm probably not wearing pants.
938 posts 327 followers 210 following

April 4, 2017

Saw my dream shop today. This is next door. #matchmadeinheaven

April 3, 2017

Living out of boxes still, because I'm lazy af.

April 1, 2017

Glad my mom didn't pitch these when I left town for a while. #mybabies

March 30, 2017

Because Beyonce is queen. #noshame

March 28, 2017

Cold pizza is bae. #amiusingthatwordcorrectly #coldpizzaisgreatthough #fightme

March 25, 2017

It was pizza or this. So, I had pizza first, then this. #eatinghealthy #keepingmygirlishfigure

March 23, 2017

Another #tbt because I can't help it, and also my mom found it after I moved and I had to show everyone.

March 16, 2017

Just reminding everyone that the Patriots won. #bytheway #iwonmoneyonthatgame #tbtkinda

March 15, 2017

Packed all the essentials. #movingday